Today was a really long day. I woke up at 7 am so I could get to the newsroom by 8. At newslink we always have our morning story meetings starting at 8 am. Today I already knew what my assignment was... I worked on a package about the 80th anniversary of the Muncie Fieldhouse. My photographer Steve and I went to the fieldhouse and got a lot of b-role then we conducted a few interviews. One interview was with a custodian in the fieldhouse, another was with a teacher at Muncie Central who is working on a collection of the history of the fieldhouse, and the third interview was with the current head coach of the Bearcats...Matt Fine (he is a really nice guy and a really really good coach...something like .800 + winning percentage in the past 6 seasons). Shooting the package was really relaxed...Steve and I are both sports guys so we were in our element and we even had enough time to play a few games of "p.i.g." in the fieldhouse. By the way...if you would like to check out the kinds of things we do at Newslink Indiana you can check it out at .
After Steve and I were done shooting (footage and hoops) we had enough time to go grab a bite to eat and head back to the newsroom for the editing process. Editing went well until it was time to actually send the finished package to the control room and there were some problems. I would explain them to you but I don't know what they were...anyway... after our computer guru figured out what was wrong it was about 4:30. I got the story in but we had major computer problems in many areas and getting our news briefs taped and on the air was a real challenge.
On Wednesdays I have a class about producing that starts around 6:30 so by the time all the computer issues were worked out it was time for my class to start. This class is in charge of Newswatch...the evening newscast on WIPB in Delaware county for Wednesdays and today was our first show...IT WAS BAD!!! There were a lot of inexperienced people on the broadcast tonight (myself included) and so things were really rough. We did pull the show off and my sports segment went perfectly fine but we certainly have a lot of room to improve. The show finally went on the air at 9 pm and ended at 9:30...after the post show meeting was over it was time for me to head over to the Rec Services building to help out with intramural officials training. I enjoyed the training and helping guys learn what officiating basketball is all about but by the time the training was over at 11:30 pm it had been about a 15 1/2 hour day for me. I made a trip over to Jessie's dorm to check on her because she hasn't been feeling well and I arrived back at my apartment around midnight and started writing this.
If anyone actually reads all this then you'll probably be as tired as I am right now...with that said...I'm going to bed! Goodnight!
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