Sunday, June 1, 2008

Your Life in 6 Words

Today I went to Southland Christian Church. I really enjoyed the service. John Meece, the senior minister at SCC, delivered the message and it was a very good one. The sermon series that Southland is currently working through is "Channel Surfing." They've picked 4 channels to do sermons on. Today's message was based on the Discovery Channel. It hinged on the 6 word tag line for the Discovery Channel..."Discover Your World in High Definition"

John Meece issued a challenge for us to give a 6 word memoir of our lives. I came up with this..."Driven to succeed despite my failures."

I'm still thinking because there were some very thought provoking memoirs that Meece talked about. One in particular that fascinated me was by Earnest Hemingway. He was challenged to write a story in only 6 words. After two weeks in a cabin in the mountains Hemingway penned this short story..."For sale: Baby shoes, Never worn." Wow.

If you would like...think about a 6 word memoir about your life. Write it and send it to me. I'd like to see what everybody comes up with.