A couple of days ago the people of Indiana had a great opportunity. As the eyes of the entire world focused on the Hoosier state I couldn't help but wonder what role religion plays in the way people vote. I know people, and I may be one but I'm not sure, who really just can't bend on some issues. You know, the "moral" issues that seem to always come up during elections like abortion and gay marriage. Now, I'm a conservative and usually vote republican...but sometimes I think the wrong things determine how we vote.
I mean, should the fact that candidate A's affiliated party has a certain view on a "moral" issue really make him unable to be the best candidate? I do think that the Holy Spirit should guide our decisions...especially as we choose the best people to run our town, county, state, and country. But, is it possible that just a Democrat is the best candidate? Is it possible that Republicans are abusing the support they receive from the "moral" people?
I'm just not sure about all of this. I love democracy! But sometimes I think we've corrupted the system to the point where we don't choose the best candidate. It's like choosing a car based on not it's engine, the mileage, or its gas efficiency but instead based on the paint job and only the paint job. If that makes any sense.
Anyway...I'm just talking about the things that have been on my mind. I certainly don't have anything "figured out." These are just my quandaries.
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