I thought with Mother's day coming up it would be an appropriate time to share some of the feelings about my mom.
I think my mom is the best mom in the world. Now, there may be lots of people that will say that about their moms but I really do believe it. Let me tell you why.
My mom is a servant. She serves her children, her husband, her church, and the Lord. She simply has a servant's heart. Sometimes, I just take a moment to think about all of the selfless acts she practices on a daily basis and the thought is very humbling. For example, right now as I type this she is in the kitchen preparing dinner. Before she could start dinner she had to make a run to wal-mart for some ingredients. Now, I might enjoy preparing dinner for one night but to do it night in a night out would simply wear me out. But my mom simply does it. It's all part of her duty as a mother and she just serves with no expectations for recognition.
I'll give you some more reasons why my mom is the greatest mom in the world. She's a working mother with a full-time job and she stills finds time to enjoy life. She has made her boys one of her main priorities and she loves to enjoy our activities. She never misses our activities. Whether it's watching wrestling, football, or golf she just loves it. I'm sure if you go down to the bleachers in Chamber's gymnasium or Cook field you'll find a perfect imprint of my mother's rear end because she's seen so many games there. And she wouldn't have it any other way.
I also love my mom because she's willing to let us go. She's never been one to keep us home and keep us from going to camps or anything else. She certainly loves it when all of us are home but it really doesn't happen all that often because we're all involved in everything and she doesn't complain she just encourages us and loves us.
I could go on and on about why I love my mom. But the bottom line is she is a wonderful mom and I'm so blessed to be her son. There's no better feeling than walking in to my living room after being away at school for a few weeks and being greeted by a huge hug from my mom.
Mom, I love you.
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